Healthy Snack Ideas

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One of the critical steps in positively impacting our nutrition is having HEALTHY snacks available and NOT having UNHEALTHY snacks around. This is always the first step I give for families that struggle with kids eating junk food. It may be more difficult to control when they leave your home, but the more we can positively influence and empower them to make HEALTHY choices the better!


•Raw veggies, cut and stored in the refrigerator (carrots, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, snap peas, and more!)

•Complete Pudding (Mix one packet/ scoop of chocolate or vanilla Complete mixed with a small amount of plant milk to desired consistency.) *Complete is a plant based protein powder. Click here to find out more or order -> COMPLETE POWDER

•Veggies with Hummus or Guacamole

•Fresh Fruit (apples, cantaloupe, melon, pineapple, pears, plums, grapes, oranges, mangoes, berries)

•Apples or Celery & Peanut Butter (use only natural peanut butter)

•Raw nuts or seeds

•Plain oatmeal topped with berries or fruit

•Plain air popped non-GMO popcorn

•Dates, figs, raisins, dried cranberries

•Sliced avocado with sea salt or lemon juice

•Kale Chips (Toss bite-size pieces of kale with light extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt. Ask an adult to help you bake it at 350ºF on parchment paper for 7-9 minutes until crispy!)

•Grilled Peaches (Brush peach wedges with coconut oil or ghee and grill on medium heat for 4 minutes per side. Be sure to ask an adult for help!)

Most importantly, keep it simple!! Experiment and find what works best for you!

Live Well

Dr. Dustin